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To Help you understand how our team can help you we would like to explain each of our service:

Expert Medical Generalists (GP)

Our GPs - known as Expert Medical Generalists - now have a supportive multi-disciplinary team which allows them to focus on delivering care to patients with complex medical conditions along with supervising the clinical team.

Advanced Nurse Practitioner –


They are highly experienced nurses who have undertaken additional training at degree level.  This equips them with skills required to take a medical history, examine, diagnose and prescribe.  These highly skilled nurses have extensive specialist knowledge and manage care of patients chronic diseases such as diabetes, asthma and COPD.  Nurse practitioners can alter drug doses and start new medication.  They can request x-rays or order blood and urine tests.  They can also refer to hospitals, physiotherapists, podiatrists, audiology and many other specialties.  They work seamlessly alongside the GPs and are able to quickly liaise with them when necessary.

Practice Nurse –


Practice Nurses are experienced nurses who care for a huge variety of patients.  Their work includes specialised and compression dressings, cervical screening, diabetes, asthma, COPD and family planning.

:Working alongside us we also have the following

Clinical Pharmacist –


The practice has pharmacy support on a regular weekly basis.  They undertake patient medication reviews and can deal with most queries relating to patients’ use of drugs and all aspects of medicine management.  They have extensive knowledge regarding complex medication regimes and can assist patients in optimising the number of drugs they are taking and can advise on a range of drug safety related issues. 


CTaC - Healthcare Support Workers


Healthcare assistants have a number of skills and are trained to undertake a range of duties previously undertaken by nurses.  These include taking blood tests, ECGs, blood pressure recording, urine testing, removal of sutures, minor dressings and B12 injection.

Paramedic - Immediate Care (Home Visiting)

Our paramedics work with our practice and our neighbouring practices Cairnsmore and Southern Machars to see patients who require immediate care and are housebound. If you require a visit from us you should call us as early as possible in the morning to request this. Our care navigators will ask you some questions and this will be passed to the doctor on duty. The doctor will decide whether to send a paramedic to see you. If you receive a visit from a paramedic they will assess you and discuss their findings with the duty doctor and a plan made for your ongoing care. 

First Contact Physiotherapist

Gayle is our physiotherapist in the practice. She holds two clinics per week on a Tuesday and Thursday. Gayle can help with:

  • Bone/ muscle/ joint/ back/ neck pain 

  • Difficulty walking/ mobility difficulties

  • Had an injury

  • Following orthopaedic surgery (total hip or knee replacement)

She cannot see anyone under the age of 18. ​

Mental Health Nurse

Jacqueline (Tuesday) and Robert (Wednesday) both hold clinics in Newton Stewart. They can help with:

  • Anxiety

  • Depression

  • Sleeping problems

  • Bereavement/ loss of a loved one 

They cannot see anyone under the age of 18.


Community Link Workers

Susan and Samantha hold clinics in Newton Stewart on a Monday and Thursday. if you feel isolated or lonely or suffering from low level mental health issues i.e. anxiety/low mood then the link workers may be able to help you. 

Immunisation Team

  • All childhood immunisations - these clinics are held in Newton Stewart on a Monday morning.

  • Covid/ flu/ pneumonia/ shingles - these clinics are held in Newton Stewart Hospital. If/when you are eligible for these you will be contacted by letter with details from the Dumfries & Galloway Health Board. 

Travel Vaccinations

If you are travelling abroad and nor sure if you need vaccinations: 

  • Check fit to travel website - to find out what vaccines are required for the destination. 

  • Contact Glenluce Surgery on 01581 300 315 as they are the travel vaccination provider for Wigtownshire. 


Our practice midwife is Kim Aitchison/. If you need an appointment please contact the Oaktree Centre, Stranraer 01776 707722 and they will arrange for you. 

If you wold like information regarding termination of pregnancy you can self refer to the hospital on 01387 241 200 Monday  Friday 8.30am to 4.30pm. 

Health Visitors

Jill McCulloch, Alison Craig and Esther Draper are all based in the Health Centre, Newton Stewart. You can contact them on 01671 403068 if you have any questions relating to:

  • Infants under 5 with minor health problems 

  • Teething pain

  • Constipation

  • Colic

  • Nappy rash

  • Feeding problems - bottle or breast

Machars Home Teams

Single Access Point (SAP) 030 33 33 3001

The Home Team pulls together resources within the community under one team. The team consist of:

  • Community Nurses

  • Public Health Improvement Staff

  • Specialist reablement staff

  • Physiotherapists

  • Social Workers

  • Care co-ordinators

  • Others

Anyone can make a referral to Home Teams by contacting the SAP telephone number above. ​


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